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Booking Links

Time with Jelena

A quick 15 minute zoom meeting with Jelena.  This time allows for 1-2 questions that you may have or tasks you need to provide further clarification on.

A 60 minute zoom session where we deep dive into what support your business needs.  Here we go through what you need from a Virtual Assistant, what your goals and expectations are, pricing, working hours, forms of communication and confirm what the next steps will be.

A 60 minute zoom session where we will go through the priorities for the next few weeks, confirm access to all of your systems are in place, set up a task management system (eg Asana), agree on when our WIP meetings will be.

A 30 minute WIP meeting (either Week in Progress or Work in Progress) to go through tasks completed, new items added to the task list, confirming prioirities and going through any concerns or achievements.

A 121 meeting for BNI members.  Please ensure the GAINS profile has been exchanged prior to the meeting.

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